So its time to get real now- described as the biggest crisis facing us since the Second World War. But right now COVID-19 and how it effects your wedding day is your immediate worry.
What on earth does it mean for you?
Well , I was meant to be photographing a wedding this weekend (21 March) and the couple are in pieces wondering what to do. In light of all the advice, they have scaled down their ceremony to immediate family. The reception will be held at a later date. A wise decision but a heartbreaking one after all those months of planning.
What practical advice can I share for those of you who have weddings in the next three months or so?
First of all, the situation is changing daily. For those with church weddings I recommend you visit the CofE website for the most up to date advice. Currently the number of people attending church weddings during the coronavirus crisis should be limited to the legal minimum of five – the priest, the bride and groom and two witnesses . As for venue weddings – at the time this is published, the government has strongly advised against gatherings and to avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other social venues.
For many couples this will inevitably be read as their wedding reception.
Yes thanks to COVID-19 – it looks like my only option is to postpone
First of all, check-in with your wedding insurance. Ask them about how your coverage is affected if you move or postpone the day.
Talk to your venue and other suppliers
My own contract states you can transfer your wedding date to any time within 12 months as long as I’m still available, with no cancellation charges Other suppliers may have similar clauses. All this needs to be thought about before a decision is made. Most companies should be able to reschedule without penalties – these are trying times and we all need to help each other out. If it helps – I personally have a degree more flexibility than a lot of wedding photographers. I have actually taken on more weekday boudoir bookings this year in order to free up my weekends so I am more likely – at the moment – to have dates available. If you have someone else as your photographer and they are struggling to offer you new dates I may be able provide back up for them. So don’t panic. Work the problems through and by all means Contact me here if you feel I can help.
Ask your family and friends for advice
They may be relieved at the idea of moving the date, but may also have some fresh thoughts about what to do. The world went mad after 9/11 – travel plans were disrupted and weddings were too. We bounced back then – we can bounce back now.

Save the (new) date
My heart breaks that you are even reading this. My own daughter is getting married in November. At the moment we feel it is too far away to be worrying about. But you are here because its imminent. But we can make this happen and trust me – the party will be much needed by the time this has blown over.
COVID-19 and how it affected your wedding day will be a talking point for many years to come! A year no one is likely to forget! In the meantime keep safe, keep washing those hands. Look after your loved ones and let me know if I can be of any help at all xx